Solving World Hunger    |     home    Myths     Facts

About 840 million peopple out of a total global population of 6 billion, are affected by hunger.
Of this 791 million live in developing countries.
The main cause of malnurishment isnt natural disasters, but poverty.
World hunger continues to spread despite humanitarian organizations.
1,300,000,000 billion people (or 1 in 4) in the world live in absolute poverty.
800,000,000 milliion people do not get enough to eat.
16,000,000 million people around the world die of malnutrition each year.
50% of all children in low income families will die before the age of 15.
20% of the world's people consume 80% of the Earth's resources.  If everyone consumed at the same level, it would take 4-5 more planet Earth's to support us.
More people have died as a result to malnutrition in the last 5 years than have been killed in all wars, revolutions, and murders in the past 150 years.